Symptoms of formaldehyde poisoning
Mild poisoning: obvious irritation of mucous membrane of eyes and upper
respiratory tract. The main manifestations are conjunctival congestion,
redness and swelling, dyspnea, heavy breathing sound, hoarseness of
throat, speech or dry, dark dumb or greasy. The poisoned person can also
feel his breathing sound bold. Another specific symptom of mild
formaldehyde poisoning is one to two degrees of throat edema.
中度中毒:咳嗽不止、咯痰、胸闷、呼吸困难及干湿性破锣音。胸透X光时肺部纹理实质化,转变为散布的点状小斑点或片状阴影,即为医定网站建设 保定荆塘铺 伺服液位仪 防撞墙模具 唐山护栏 钢纤维 天津除甲醛 保定铝型材学上的机型支气管肺炎;喉咙水肿增重至三级。进行血气分析之时会伴随着轻、中度的低氧血症。
Moderate poisoning: cough, expectoration, chest distress, dyspnea and
dry and wet percussion sound. When chest X-ray is taken, the texture of
the lung is substantiated and becomes scattered dots or flake shadow,
which is the medical type of bronchopneumonia; the throat edema is
increased to grade III. Blood gas analysis is accompanied by mild to
moderate hypoxemia.
Severe poisoning: the condition of the lung and throat worsens, and
pulmonary edema and fourth degree laryngeal edema appear. The blood gas
analysis is also serious, which is severe hypoxem